Hawaiian Flying - Ka´aleleau


Hawaiian Flying

was conceived by Kahu Abraham

for self-development.

It is a sequence of steady movements,

like a bird’s flight over the wide ocean.

Hawaiian Flying brings forward the ability

for presence, for navigating attention and energy,

for awareness and floating flexibility in all directions,

on the Lomi-table and in everyday life.

Simultaneously it has a deeply transforming effect

on body and mind

and on all dimensions of our existence.

In steadily flying through

emerging issues and resistances

a feeling of great release, liveliness and joy

more and more appears.


The movements, accordingly to inner changes

gradually get into harmony.

Hawaiian Flying can be practised in a group or alone as a daily routine.

Practice groups in Graz:

Full-day workshop: Saturday, Octobre 4th, 11am-7pm, 75.-/65.- (discounted)

10 evening-workshops: on Thursdays, 7:30-9 pm, starting October 16th

1 session: 15.-/14.- (discounted)

10 sessions: 135.-/120.- (discounted)

Venue: City Yoga Graz, Am Eisernen Tor 3, 8010 Graz

Registration: 0676/4977123 or info@lomi-lomi.at